

Saturday, June 7, 2014

For the thought of It

If it is miscommunication you seek
Tripping on the pebbles of sand at the bottomless sea
I have a riddle for your pleasure
Dissention emulating from your sickly pores
Slashing through the quaking trees

Sounds can control your limbs
And my limbs hold you tight
But where does the meaning ‘tight’ emulate from
And within emulation is there condescension
What would I be condescending?

If we are made of matter
And atom upon atom creates us and our own gods
Which we are and all else;
Our hands together
Would that not make us one?

One: so simple and easily defined
But they are black and we are white and the rest
Are in the gray area between

Only I know that two and two million do not exist
In math equations never-ending
After the pencil is back in the bag and slips up
Into the white of our brains where we don’t think
Yet we do

Black is white and red is golden when bodies are silent
Because we touch through you and I
Or through the lined and fully equated paper I left behind
And the fractions don’t mean a thing
They serve to remind us we are part of a whole
And slaves were once a whole being

Heterogeneous mixtures are we to the flies
Feeding over our lifelessness
But is it us without life
Or is the fly the corpse buzzing
Another sound that leaves us feeling

Just a little bit right

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